83 research outputs found

    Experimental results : Reinforcement Learning of POMDPs using Spectral Methods

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    We propose a new reinforcement learning algorithm for partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDP) based on spectral decomposition methods. While spectral methods have been previously employed for consistent learning of (passive) latent variable models such as hidden Markov models, POMDPs are more challenging since the learner interacts with the environment and possibly changes the future observations in the process. We devise a learning algorithm running through epochs, in each epoch we employ spectral techniques to learn the POMDP parameters from a trajectory generated by a fixed policy. At the end of the epoch, an optimization oracle returns the optimal memoryless planning policy which maximizes the expected reward based on the estimated POMDP model. We prove an order-optimal regret bound with respect to the optimal memoryless policy and efficient scaling with respect to the dimensionality of observation and action spaces.Comment: 30th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2016), Barcelona, Spai

    Regret Minimization in Partially Observable Linear Quadratic Control

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    We study the problem of regret minimization in partially observable linear quadratic control systems when the model dynamics are unknown a priori. We propose ExpCommit, an explore-then-commit algorithm that learns the model Markov parameters and then follows the principle of optimism in the face of uncertainty to design a controller. We propose a novel way to decompose the regret and provide an end-to-end sublinear regret upper bound for partially observable linear quadratic control. Finally, we provide stability guarantees and establish a regret upper bound of O(T^(2/3)) for ExpCommit, where T is the time horizon of the problem

    Reinforcement Learning in Rich-Observation MDPs using Spectral Methods

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) in Markov decision processes (MDPs) with large state spaces is a challenging problem. The performance of standard RL algorithms degrades drastically with the dimensionality of state space. However, in practice, these large MDPs typically incorporate a latent or hidden low-dimensional structure. In this paper, we study the setting of rich-observation Markov decision processes (ROMDP), where there are a small number of hidden states which possess an injective mapping to the observation states. In other words, every observation state is generated through a single hidden state, and this mapping is unknown a priori. We introduce a spectral decomposition method that consistently learns this mapping, and more importantly, achieves it with low regret. The estimated mapping is integrated into an optimistic RL algorithm (UCRL), which operates on the estimated hidden space. We derive finite-time regret bounds for our algorithm with a weak dependence on the dimensionality of the observed space. In fact, our algorithm asymptotically achieves the same average regret as the oracle UCRL algorithm, which has the knowledge of the mapping from hidden to observed spaces. Thus, we derive an efficient spectral RL algorithm for ROMDPs

    Trust Region Policy Optimization for POMDPs

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    We propose Generalized Trust Region Policy Optimization (GTRPO), a policy gradient Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithm for both Markov decision processes (MDP) and Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDP). Policy gradient is a class of model-free RL methods. Previous policy gradient methods are guaranteed to converge only when the underlying model is an MDP and the policy is run for an infinite horizon. We relax these assumptions to episodic settings and to partially observable models with memory-less policies. For the latter class, GTRPO uses a variant of the Q-function with only three consecutive observations for each policy updates, and hence, is computationally efficient. We theoretically show that the policy updates in GTRPO monotonically improve the expected cumulative return and hence, GTRPO has convergence guarantees

    EikoNet: Solving the Eikonal Equation With Deep Neural Networks

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    The recent deep learning revolution has created enormous opportunities for accelerating compute capabilities in the context of physics-based simulations. In this article, we propose EikoNet, a deep learning approach to solving the Eikonal equation, which characterizes the first-arrival-time field in heterogeneous 3-D velocity structures. Our grid-free approach allows for rapid determination of the travel time between any two points within a continuous 3-D domain. These travel time solutions are allowed to violate the differential equation--which casts the problem as one of optimization--with the goal of finding network parameters that minimize the degree to which the equation is violated. In doing so, the method exploits the differentiability of neural networks to calculate the spatial gradients analytically, meaning that the network can be trained on its own without ever needing solutions from a finite-difference algorithm. EikoNet is rigorously tested on several velocity models and sampling methods to demonstrate robustness and versatility. Training and inference are highly parallelized, making the approach well-suited for GPUs. EikoNet has low memory overhead and further avoids the need for travel-time lookup tables. The developed approach has important applications to earthquake hypocenter inversion, ray multipathing, and tomographic modeling, as well as to other fields beyond seismology where ray tracing is essential
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